Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tips on My Mind

$106 million dollars is a lot of money.

That’s the amount Starbucks is giving back to all their barista’s in California in compensation for “illegally” splitting tips with shift supervisors.

Multiple customers have come in on every shift I’ve worked this weekend inquiring about the tip lawsuit filed against Starbucks. Most customers wonder if it will affect us. Others inquire more specifically about our opinions. Some, just think it’s great to read negative reports about Starbucks, like “Starbucks got caught with its hand in the tip jar”.

While some barista’s have no idea what’s going on, others, especially employees in California, have an opinion. Personally, I’m with the vast majority that thinks it’s all ridiculous.

Everything depends on how you look at it. According to California law, they were out of line. But every barista has to admit that shifts do everything (and more) that a barista does. Even my manager works on the floor with us. There’s no differentiating between us from a customers perspective. Nothing good is going to be accomplished by taking tips away from shift supervisors.

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