Thursday, April 10, 2008

Crappy Customer

I’ll admit. I’m a horrible customer, but only when it comes to licenses Starbucks stores. Perhaps it’s some rudimentary need to show off. Like when you are in elementary school, and the new kid on the block thinks he’s all that. It’s then that this urgent desire to show them up in anything and everything takes over. I try to restrain. I’ve gotten better. But when I walk into the Starbucks on campus I can’t help but note all the differences, the misinformation, and failings in standards. It isn’t their fault. Lack of training and oversight from corporate has led to this clash of personalities (for lack of a more appropriate analogy). When things clash it open opportunities to correct and improve, right?

Improvement on my part might be to stop walking in and ordering the most complicated drink I can think up just to see if they can with stand the challenge. One of my favorites that confuses them every time is when I order an iced venti no espresso Americano, aka, an iced water.

Improvement on their part... Better customer serves. I would be able to stand the mis-made drinks if only they would treat our customers with respect and dignity. I say our ‘cause though they are only licensed, the average consumers doesn’t know that. So, when they order Starbucks at Target, or on campus they are looking at it like a real Starbucks.

Many barista’s have shown the same concern; while Corporate has assured us that training will improve, I still cringe when I walk into the Starbucks on campus. And have to continually apologize to my regulars who come in complaining about the service they received when visiting a licensed store.

1 comment:

Michelle F said...

I agree. The starbucks on campus is pathetic. Sorry if that was harsh. There is aboslutely no customer service and my drink is never as good as it is at my regular starbucks in the Miromar Outlets. Improvement needs to happen soon!