Monday, February 11, 2008

Cultural Pairing

Culture. In the definitions I read on it seemed to generally be in the context of cultivating society and oneself in the arts. With this understanding, what comes to my mind when I think of a “coffee culture” is a group or society that is fundamentally in pursuit of a better understanding of the art of espresso, and coffee brewing.

One element of this coffee culture that I am so fascinated with is coffee paring. When you take different blends of coffee and strategically combine them with your favorite desert, fruit, nut, and cheese anything that is hinted at in the coffee itself.

As a culture that is looking to extract the most from its coffee experience, there is a great deal to be said of the coffee life style, and what it typically pairs with.

How about a good book for instance? A classic like Jane Eyre or a more recently published book such as The Kite Runner; either of these would provide the perfect accomplice to a quiet afternoon with a cup of your favorite brew or espresso drink.

Music too is an inevitable pairing. My most recent purchase from i-tunes was Jack Johnson’s newest album Sleeping Through the Static. I love Jack Johnson. For me it’s the culmination of the Relaxation!

As Film is such a great part of our culture it naturally touches the realm of very sub culture. Any genre, depending on your taste can add to this cultivation of the coffee culture.

But anything really can go with coffee. As long as what ever you choose does not interfere with your perception of what that espresso drink represents to you, you have the gist.

Music, Books, Coffee, Art, Time, People these are the things that make up a culture. But every individual has to create their own culture out of combinations of these. We are all circles, and its when these touch, and mix that our cultures change ever so slightly to accommodated one another. And thus, no two coffee pairings are ever exactly alike.

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