Thursday, February 21, 2008

My favorite Original Combinations

No way! You can order things of your own creation?

Okay so working at Starbucks has allowed me to experience drinks beyond my original triple grande latte. And I thought I’d share.

Hint for ordering new items at Starbucks. Often if you tell your barista you’d like to try something new, but don’t want to waste four dollars on an experiment drink, they’ll be more than happy to make your original if you hate your concoction.

So next time you have some time to hang out at your favorite Starbucks try one of these fabulous drinks.

1) The Passion Tea Lemonade with Juicy Raspberry instead of the classic syrup

2) A Strawberry’s and Cream with two pumps White Mocha. It really makes it taste like a strawberry milkshake.

3) Next weeks premiering Honey latte, it’s really good, and to modify it try adding Cinnamon Dolce flavoring.


Todd Bursztyn said...

I've been commenting on everyone's blog today, and I found a very interesting trend. The recent posts are so useful to the consumer! This is timely, helpful advice for both the coffee addict and the casual Starbucks patron. Great post!

Michelle F said...

I tried just a regular coffee with a shot of raspberry. It is so good! I am going to try the strawberry one next time I go.